Your requests are important for us!
Please feel free to ask us and our specialists will be happy to answer you!
ABC Shipping Transport Ltd
Apt 3 BI 113, Strelbishte Area,
Sofia 1404, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 2964 1546
Fax: +359 2963 5266
VAT: BG204480983
- Please note that ABC Shipping Transport Ltd conducts all business subject to the terms and conditions of the Bulgarian Freight Forwarders Association. Full terms can be found on our links page.
- ABC Shipping Transport Ltd strongly recommends its clients to insure their cargo. We can offer you competitive independent cargo insurance. Please ask for details!
- If the cargo is not insured and in case of damage or loss, ABC Shipping Transport Ltd adheres to the terms as per the International Conventions for the respective type of transport.